Don Irrigation Scheme
Tranche Three - Phase One

The 4,750ML Don Irrigation Scheme provides high reliability irrigation water into the Don, Forth, Barrington and Sheffield districts in the NW of Tasmania covering an area from West Kentish north through to Don Heads. The Construction phase has recently been completed and water is now available for the 2023/2024 summer irrigation season.

The Don Irrigation Scheme (DON) delivers 4,750ML of summer water and 4,750ML of winter water.

The Forth River catchment provides the 95% reliability TI schemes are required to achieve and is regarded as the best water source in the area. The scheme design includes two pump stations at Lake Barrington and a second pump station downstream of Paloona Dam at Forthside. The pump stations will pump to balance tanks with distribution to the irrigators via 53km of distribution pipeline. A 180-day summer irrigation season, along with a 180-day winter delivery is available for irrigators. The peak flow rate for the scheme is 39.6ML/day.

The TI operations team are now operating the scheme and delivering water to irrigators. Should you have any enquiries or wish to purchase water from the scheme please contact Brendan Keep the scheme operator on 0437 240 292 or email


KMs of Pipeline




Pump Stations


Power Stations

Milestones / Forecasts
Approval March 2021
Construction Started May 2022
Operations Commenced October 2023
Capacity 4750ML
Cost $54.4M
Number of Irrigators 54
Summer Season Opening October 1st
Summer Season Closing March 31st
Winter Season Opening April 1
Winter Season Closing September 30
Daily Flow Rate 39.58ML/day
Initial Water Sales Cost $1,425/ML
Percentage Summer Entitlements sold 75%
Percentage Winter Entitlements sold 0%
Summer ML available to buy 1,205ML
Winter ML available to buy 4,750ML
Order Water from the Scheme


Please contact our friendly team for more information about the Don Irrigation Scheme:

Brendan Keep
Scheme Operator
Michael Badcock
IRC Chair
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