Putting money back into the pockets of farmers

Tasmanian Irrigation has made changes to the day-to-day operation of the Winnaleah Irrigation Scheme that will reduce costs to farmers this coming summer irrigation season.

Chief Executive Officer Andrew Kneebone said the operations and maintenance functions for the scheme have until now been contracted out but will be brought back in house and delivered by Tasmanian Irrigation.

Mr Kneebone said the decision not to renew the contract with the Winnaleah Irrigation Scheme Limited (WISL) Board was taken because of concerns about the high cost of the contract, compared to delivery of those services by Tasmanian Irrigation.

“We highlighted our concerns in May and offered the WISL Board the opportunity to resubmit their most competitive price. The re-quote for the scope of works remained significantly higher than the cost to self-deliver the same services,” he said.

“We are always looking for efficiencies in how we operate schemes, and if there’s a more efficient and cost-effective way for irrigators to access water, we’ll pursue it.”

Bringing operations and maintenance of the Winnaleah scheme back within TI will deliver reduced costs to irrigators for each megalitre of water.

“It’s a reduction of just over $15 / ML from the price charged for the 23/24 summer irrigation season,” Mr Kneebone said.

“That means farmers will have more money in their pocket after buying the water they need to sustain their farming businesses. For example, a potato or dairy farmer with a 200 megalitre water entitlement will save $3000 during the coming summer irrigation season.”

Mr Kneebone said Tasmanian Irrigation has offered the WISL Board a short-term contract extension to ensure a seamless transition for irrigators on the Winnaleah scheme, which has been taken up. Delivery of services to the Winnaleah scheme will transfer to Tasmanian Irrigation from 9 August.

For more information, contact:

Samantha Meyer, Manager Stakeholder Relations and Communications

samantha.meyer@tasirrigation.com.au 0438 210 468

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