Consulting with irrigators
Between May and September 2024, Tasmanian Irrigation is undertaking a two-stage consultation process with current Water Entitlement holders in publicly owned irrigation schemes.
During Stage 1, Tasmanian Irrigation will host a series of regional information sessions that will cover in detail:
How Tasmanian Irrigation will work with irrigators to enable the intent of the legislative changes.
The intent and effect of the legislative changes.
The requirements of the legislative changes regarding what Tasmanian Irrigation can and cannot delegate; and what must be demonstrated by community groups to be eligible for delegation.
How Tasmanian Irrigation anticipates the changes might be implemented in practice.
How the consultation process will work, including feedback mechanisms.
A set of draft documents that will support applications for self-management.
The nature of feedback sought.
To aid the consultation process, and provide a basis for review and feedback, Tasmanian Irrigation has developed a series of draft documents which you can download here:
These documents will be provided to attendees at the information sessions. Feedback provided by irrigators and other key stakeholders will be used to finalise these documents. Comment will be sought on final drafts of these documents in Stage 2 of the consultation process.
This fact sheet provides more detail of the consultation process.
Information sessions
Information and consultation sessions will be held on the dates and at the locations below.
13 May – Sorell Memorial Hall 10am
16 May – Scottsdale Football Clubrooms 10.30am
20 May – Paranaple Arts Centre, Devonport 10am
22 May – The Grange Estate, Campbell Town 10am
23 May – Door of Hope, South Launceston 10am
27th May - Oatlands RSL 2pm
31st May - online session. Contact for more detail
Light refreshments will be provided and we encourage you to RSVP for catering purposes to
The first stage of the consultation process is now ended. The presentation from the consultation sessions is available for download here
Have your say
You can provide feedback to Tasmanian Irrigation:
In person during information and consultation sessions
Using the form on this web page
By email
By post to PO Box 84, Evandale, TASMANIA, 7212