The Tamar Irrigation Scheme is designed to deliver 8,500 megalitres per season of high-reliability irrigation water to the Beaconsfield, Legana, Rowella, Hillwood, Pipers Brook and Pipers River areas.
Demand from irrigators is not strong enough to justify the capital cost of a standalone agricultural scheme. Tasmanian Irrigation is working with Renewables, Climate and Future Industries Tasmania (ReCFIT) to explore options for the Tamar scheme to be developed as a combined agricultural / industrial scheme. Funding for a preliminary business case was secured in December 2024. Read more information in our media release.
The construction of the Tamar scheme will increase the reliability of water available on existing and new enterprises. This will facilitate expansion of agricultural activity and conversion to high value commodities.
Principal primary production focus is berries, vineyards, orchards, pasture, cereal crops, nurseries, flowers, vegetable crops and dairy.