Terms and Conditions for use of Tasmanian Irrigation’s Dam Levels Information
The water information collected and published by Tasmanian Irrigation (and other agencies) can include either raw data or value-added information. In order that the Dam Levels Information is as up to date as possible, it is published in its raw form as it is received and before it has been checked or verified. From time to time the Dam Levels Information may be incorrect or incomplete (eg. the field probes and sensors may malfunction).
Whilst Tasmanian Irrigation uses reasonable effort to ensure that the Dam Levels Information is accurate, we do not warrant its accuracy, adequacy or completeness and nor do we undertake to keep it updated. To the extent permitted by law, Tasmanian Irrigation excludes all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from using the Dam Levels Information.
The Dam Levels Information is not intended to be and nor should it be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. Users should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular requirements.
With the exception of Tasmanian Irrigation’s logo, images, and other material or devices protected by a trademark, and unless otherwise noted, the Dam Levels Information is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY) licence. Under this licence you may use this material in accordance with the licence terms without seeking Tasmanian Irrigation’s permission but you must keep the copyright notice intact and attribute Tasmanian Irrigation as the source. To view the terms of this licence, click here to visit the Creative Commons website.
For permission to reproduce material beyond the scope of the licence or the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), please contact us by email at enquiries@tasirrigation.com.au
Apart from any use explicitly granted by a licence, or permitted exceptions under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (including statutory licences and fair dealing provisions), all other rights are reserved.