Scheme Operators

Scheme Operators form the core of the Water Delivery Team, managing the day-to-day delivery of water to more than 1,000 irrigators located around Tasmania.

There are 14 highly skilled and dedicated Scheme Operators to manage and administer each scheme, oversee regular and routine maintenance and compliance, control appropriate water costs to irrigators and ensure the schemes deliver water as efficiently as possible.

For a scheme-specific inquiry, please contact Tasmanian Irrigation’s Scheme Operators:

Dial Blyth Irrigation Scheme

Duck Irrigation Scheme

Great Forester Irrigation Scheme

Greater Meander Irrigation Scheme

Kindred North Motton

Lower South Esk

Midlands Irrigation Scheme

North Esk Irrigation Scheme

North Esk Irrigation Scheme

Scottsdale Irrigation Scheme

South East Irrigation Schemes

Southern Highlands Irrigation Scheme

Swan Irrigation Scheme

Togari Irrigation Scheme

Upper Ringarooma Irrigation Scheme

Whitemore Irrigation Scheme

Cressy Longford Irrigation Scheme

Elizabeth Macquarie Irrigation Trust

Sassafras Wesley Vale Irrigation Scheme

South East 1,2,3

Lower South Esk

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