Farm WAP Application Form

All applicants are to complete Section A and Section B.

Section A - Applicant Details

Section B - Property Details

New applications to complete all following sections. Amendments to complete changed sections only.

Section C - Water Volume and Storage

e.g. dams, river takes, other irrigation schemes, bore water, neighbour agreements.
Dam Name or No.Capacity (ML)Is Licensed? 

Section D - Land Use

The area you wish to irrigate with TI water. Mark on your map.
Select all applicable.
Land use (list crops or pasture types)Area (ha)Volume (ML)Irrigation rate (ML/ha) 

Section E - Biodiversity

Do you have any of these on your property? If so, include details.

NOTE: Any amendments requiring a site assessment will need to be undertaken by a prequalified consultant at the cost of the landholder/irrigator. A quote will be provided to you for approval before commencement.

Section F - Farm WAP Format

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