Structure and Strategy

Tasmanian Irrigation employs about 50 highly-skilled people to deliver its core activities in a safe and efficient manner. The Water Delivery and Program Development and Delivery teams are well-supported by people across the environment, design, engineering, asset management, systems, safety, HR, compliance and administrative functions.

Water Delivery

Tasmanian Irrigation’s Water Delivery Team is responsible for the operation of irrigation schemes around Tasmania, and the delivery of irrigation water in an efficient, economically viable and environmentally sustainable manner to more than 1,000 irrigators.

Currently, the team manages 18 schemes across the State that have the capacity to deliver 133,313 megalitres of high surety water to irrigate a wide diversity of crops and pastures.

Tasmanian Irrigation is the custodian and owner of 22 dams and water storages and is the asset owner of one self-managed scheme (Cressy Longford). In addition, Tasmanian Irrigation also governs three river / drainage networks across the State, including the Furneaux system on Flinders Island and a water supply scheme at Togari in the far North West.

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Program Development and Delivery

Tasmanian Irrigation’s Program Development and Delivery Team is proud to deliver irrigation projects from concept to water delivery, ensuring schemes are designed to be in operation for the next generation of farmers and beyond.

Along the way, risks are continually evaluated as the design progresses in terms of environment, social acceptability, cost and economic outcomes. As these schemes rely on a unique public / private partnership and funding model, all stakeholders are engaged and consulted to ensure key needs are met.

Mill Ck Dam

Technical Support Services

The Technical Support Services Team has two key focus areas: design focus providing engineering and design support toward the creation of new irrigation schemes and adopting lessons learned from previous irrigation schemes to optimise new designs; and asset management providing technical support to understand and improve existing scheme performance, ensuring that services are provided to irrigators through the infrastructure cost effectively.

Priority activities are across engineering services; asset management and maintenance planning; electrical, data and control systems; dam safety; and geographical information systems.

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Corporate Services

The Corporate Services Team provides support, transactional and compliance services across the organisation. The key areas of focus include people and culture, human resources, financial (accounts payable and receivable, payroll, debtor management, financial reporting and budgeting); information technology (management of Information Technology systems, hardware, system development, data collection and management, and reporting); commercial (oversee business performance, water sales, contract management, scheme pricing, procurement, tender development, data analysis and Key Performance Indicators); and administrative support (reception, office management, database management and fleet management).

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Environment, Health and Safety

The Environment, Health and Safety Team is responsible for ensuring the Company develops and operates irrigation schemes that are environmentally sustainable in a safe and compliant manner.

Tasmanian Irrigation is committed to a zero-harm workplace and empowers its people to identify, minimise and manage risks.

The EHS team also monitors environmental compliance obligations, supports regulatory approval processes and promotes sustainability and environmental awareness within the organisation to ensure all activities undertaken meet environmental statutory requirements and are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner.

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Tasmanian Irrigation is committed to working with irrigators, the Tasmanian and Australian Governments and other key stakeholders to cost effectively and reliably deliver water, as well as construct new irrigation schemes, to grow the wealth of the State.

Our Promise:

  • Provide irrigators reliable and consistent water and responsibly manage our water resources, scheme assets and the environment


  • Tasmanian Irrigation water is reliable
  • Tasmanian Irrigation water is appropriate to use for agriculture production
  • Tasmanian Irrigation schemes are managed efficiently and effectively and at the lowest possible cost without compromising on performance
  • Tasmanian Irrigation water is supplied and delivered with minimal impact to the environment

Our Priorities

  • Meet agreed forecasts and to minimise costs where practical and possible
  • Meet agreed regulatory compliance targets
  • Optimise our schemes performance

Tasmanian Irrigation has established two strategic objectives based around the two fundamental lines of business:

1. To manage and operate the Tasmanian Irrigation business sustainably at the lowest possible overall cost.

2. To explore and develop all viable options for irrigation scheme development options for Tasmania.

Target: All Tranche Three projects to be constructed and in operation by FY30.

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