Contact Information

If you have questions regarding Irrigation Rights and Water Entitlements, our Irrigation Schemes or Career Opportunities please contact us:


Level 2, Launceston Airport Passenger Terminal Building
201, Evandale Road
Tasmania 7212

Postal Address

PO Box 84
Tasmania 7212

Contact Details

Phone:(03) 6398 8433
Fax:(03) 6398 8441

Updating your contact details

If you need to update your contact details, please fill in this form and return to our office.

Download Contact Details Update Form

Please Note: Tasmanian Irrigation does not issue water licences.

For information regarding Tasmanian Water Licences, please contact:

Department Of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, care of Anna Harper, Senior Administration Officer (Permits and Licencing)

1, Franklin Wharf, HOBART, Tasmania 7000. Phone: (03) 6165 3019 or email:

Scheme contacts

To find a contact for a specific scheme, please select a scheme.