Kindred / North Motton Irrigation Scheme
Tranche One

Water for this scheme is harvested from the Forth River downstream of Lake Paloona under an agreement with Hydro Tasmania, ensuring greater utilisation of this scarce resource and reliability for local irrigators

The Kindred / North Motton Irrigation Scheme commenced operations in February 2014 and services the Kindred, Sprent, Abbotsham, Forth, Gawler, Ulverstone and North Motton areas in North West Tasmania. Irrigation water is sourced from the Forth River and pumped to a holding dam located near Sprent.

Reliability is under-pinned by releases from Lake Paloona – a water storage facility owned and operated by Hydro Tasmania. Water is delivered throughout the district via 44km of pipelines, which is pressurised at the Sprent Dam.

Towns / area serviced

Kindred, Sprent, Abbotsham, Forth, Gawler, Ulverstone and North Motton

Principal primary production focus of scheme

Potatoes, vegetables, poppies, cereals, pyrethrum, berries and dairy

Length of irrigation season

120-day summer delivery


KMs of pipeline




Pump Stations


Power Stations

Approval November 2011
Construction started January 2013
Operations commenced February 2014
Capacity 2,500 ML
Cost $10.6 million
Number of irrigators 53
Forecast opening Early October
Forecast closing Late April
Daily flow rate 16.67 ML / day
Initial water sales cost $1,200 / ML
Percentage of entitlements sold 78%
ML available to buy 560 ML
Order Water from the Scheme


Please contact our friendly team for more information about the Kindred North Motton Irrigation Scheme:

Ben Clarke
Scheme Operator
Neil Armstrong
Irrigator Representative Committee, Chairperson
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