Financial Assistance for Irrigators


Tasmanian Irrigation is offering extended payment terms to irrigators impacted by the recent extreme weather events in a bid to help ease financial pressures.

The assistance will be provided through Tasmanian Irrigation’s Financial Hardship Policy, which has just been modified to ensure it is easier for farmers to apply if they have qualified for the Tasmanian Government’s Emergency Response Grant.

Tasmanian Irrigation Chief Executive Officer Andrew Kneebone said extended payment terms for 2022-23 Annual Fixed Charges on irrigation water entitlements are being offered to those in need.

“Tasmanian Irrigation acknowledges that at times its customers may experience unforeseen financial hardship due to circumstances outside of their control, such as the recent floods,” Mr Kneebone said.

“Our Financial Hardship Policy supports Tasmanian Irrigation’s commitment to helping irrigators who have the intent, but not the capacity, to meet their financial obligations within the terms of their contract and / or invoice.

“This program is always open to irrigators and now we have made a number of amendments to ensure it is easier for those impacted by the floods to qualify and seek deferral of their fixed charges.

“A number of farmers lost crops, fencing, topsoil and livestock during the deluge and we hope that these extended payment terms will be of assistance to irrigators that are committing current cash flow to rebuilding and recovery tasks.”

Mr Kneebone encouraged irrigators impacted by the floods to request a payment extension by contacting Tasmanian Irrigation on (03) 6398-8424 or via email at

The distribution of invoices for 2022-23 Annual Fixed Charges was delayed while the changes to the Financial Hardship Policy were finalised. All invoices will be sent out during November for payment by 28 February 2023.

For more information about the Emergency Response Grants, please refer to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania website

Media Release

10 November 2022

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